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Saturday Streaming

2020/21 Live Online Concert Series

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Browse the concert descriptions, or jump directly to the YouTube Playlist to get started!
About Saturday Streaming


With the COVID-19 Pandemic  in 2020, we were obliged to cease live performances and stay at home - but we didn't stop playing!  From July to November we prepared a weekly 90 minute themed presentation ready for broadcasting via Facebook Live every Saturday evening. The concerts soon gained momentum and developed around them a community interested in sharing and talking about the Australian traditional and the stories behind the material.  

In 2021 we have resumed our concerts on a fortnightly basis, delving the depths of our archives for lost gems and fascinating characters...

" Thanks for taking the trouble to do all the research, rehearsal and production to offer people the gift of your music, it's very different and real to see such a professional yet warm and personal performance. What you do is making a difference."

- Kerith Power, 2021


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